If you enjoyed "The Favorite Uncle Remus", you will really enjoy the Complete Tales of Uncle Remus. The 912 pages contain the complete tales of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer B'ar, Brer Wolf, and others told by Uncle Remus.
Reviews: "It has been more than 75 years since the first Uncle Remus book was published and now for the first time all of the delightful and inimitable tales of Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Brer B'ar, Brer Wolf and the others which Uncle Remus told to the little boy--and then to the little boy's little boy--are gathered together into one volume. All the animal tales from eight books are here, along with the illustrations which originally accompanied them."-Ingram Reviewer
A reader from Ithaca, NY Joel Chandler Harris is all anyone needs to know to get a great introduction to and immersion in the folk tales and dialects of the southeastern US. The tales are charming, amusing, instructive. The presentation lives up to the standard set by the tales. Harris had an excellent ear for the rhythms and sounds, and although the text may be difficult to read at times, the effort is well rewarded. The book also contains a glossary of terms that may not be familiar to today's reader. If there is still difficulty, reading the text aloud will alleviate most of them. Astonishing re-discovery, August 9, 1999
Reviewer: A reader from Santa Rosa, CA: You may think you know these tales, but this book is worth a quiet, relaxed weeks-long read. Harris clearly loved and respected the people, cultures and stories. Some are not funny, and some hilarious. Many touch on metaphysical subjects without being obvious. Uncle Remus is almost like Jane Roberts' "Seth" entity: Centered, caring, wise, full of love and life, and leading the reader to find fresh ideas each time one looks again. I thought the book was enlightening for children., November 16, 1998 Reviewer: A reader from USA. Almost all the stories have a good moral, while being funny and entertaining. Endless Supply of Bedtime Stories, July 18, 1996
Reviewer: A reader. Joel Chandler Harris brilliantly recorded the stories told on the southern plantation. Some of these stories have their origins in West Africa and were brought over (obviously) with the slave trade. But the stories are entertaining, laugh out loud funny, and naturalistic. Even though the animals in the stories (Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, etc.) are anthropomorphized, they also convey aspects of their essential natures in the wild. My husband reads me a story every night before we go to sleep. Unfortunately, because Harris was trying to write phonetically the dialect of the black slaves who were telling the stories, reading the stories takes a bit of practice. You have to get used to his spellings. For example, "bimeby" means "by and by." So, children may not be able to follow you if you read this outloud to them. A wonderful book which covers all the famous stories which you have heard of and never read yourself (Tar Baby, Rabbit in the Briar Patch) and also the not so famous stories. A real cultural education for Americans of every race and background. Highly recommended if you enjoy folk art and folk culture.
