These sketches, taken from letters written in the few leisure moments a very busy life, make no pretension to literary merit, but are simply a brief record of one person's hospital experience. As such, they are republished, with teir many faults but partially amended, lest in retouching they should lose whatever force or freshness the inspiration of the time may have given them. To those who have objected to a "tone of levity" in some portions of the sketches, I desire to say that the wish to make the best of every thing, and send home cheerful reports even from that saddest of scenes, an army hospital, probably produced the impression of levity upon those who have never known the sharp contrasts of the tragic and comic in such a life. The unexpected favor with which the little book was greeted, and the desire for a new edition, increase the author's regret that it is not more worthy such a kind reception. L.M.A. Concord, March, 1869
