Young people across America are rediscovering G.A. Henty, the nineteenth-century literary genius whose historical adventures inspire boys to honesty, courage, diligence, and duty. Writing from a Christian perspective, Henty weaves the adventures of a fictional boy hero together with real-life events. His stories are as accurate as the are exciting, so children get important lessons in history which they remember long afterward. Just as important, these lessons come without the immoral overtones of modern novels. In A Knight of the White Cross, Henty takes us back to the order of the Knights of St. John, which for centuries helped in the great struggle between Christendom and Islam. The events of this tale surround the drama of the first siege of Rhodes (A.D. 1480), when the Order formed the great bulwark of Christendom that withstood the terrible invasion of the Turks. Gervaise Tresham, just 12 years old when he entered into the order of St. John, quickly rose in rank from page of the Grand Master to knighthook at age 17. Follow Gervaise's grippin exploits as he commands a galley and endures the scourges of the sea...captures a spy at Rhodes and heads off an insurrection...destroys an entire corsair fleet...conducts a secret mission disguised as a galley slave...is ruthlessly captured and sold into slavery...fights notorious Moslem pirates along the Mediterranean coast...
