TWELFTH GRADE: Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit
TWELFTH GRADE: Saxon Calculus Homeschool Kit
Price: $200.00
Special Instructions: 156577082X

Calculus is made up of four instructional components: Introduction of the New Increment, Examples with Complete Solutions, Daily Problem Sets, and Cumulative Tests. Calculus treats all the topics normally covered in an Advanced Placement AB-level calculus program, as well as many from a BC-level program. The text begins with a review of the mathematical concepts and skills required for calculus. In the early problem sets, students practice setting up word problems they will later encounter as calculus problems. The problem sets contain multiple-choice and conceptually-oriented problems similar to those found on the Advanced Placement examination. Whenever possible, an intuitive introduction precedes a rigorous examination of a concept. Proofs are provided for all important theorems. For example, three proofs, one intuitive and two rigorous, are given for the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Numerous applications to physics, chemistry, engineering, and business are also treated in both the lessons and the problem sets. Use of this text has allowed students to take the Advanced Placement examination and score well.

Calculus Homeschool Kit Contents
Saxon's Advanced Placement programs have been carefully planned and packaged. All you need to successfully teach each program is included in the homeschool kit. The Calculus homeschool kit includes a textbook, an answer key for homework, and tests with answers.

Solutions Manual
The Solutions Manual provides step-by-step solutions for each problem in the problem sets. Solutions to test problems are not included.

Please note: The Solutions Manual is a separate purchase from the Calculus homeschool kit.