In the culmination of the Little Women stories, Jo's Boys depicts the girls and boys of Plumfield as young men and women who are facing problems and seeking happiness in life. The original twelve boys are scattered far and wide, but all come wandering back from the four corners of the earth to tell their various experiences and to reminisce over the pleasures of the past. Favorite characters from Little Women, including Meg, Jo, Amy and the faithful Laurie, remain at the center of the story and find their successors in the bearded firebrand Dan, the strong-willed Naughty Nan, who developed into the physician she once dreamed of becoming, as well as others. The final book in the trilogy rounds out the complete story of Jo March Bhaer in a satisfying way. Louisa May Alcott lived with the real Little Women in Concord, Massachusetts. The author of mysteries, romances and novels, she traveled widely and died in Boston in 1888.
